Lowongan Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Timur

Minggu, 11 April 2010

Dalam rangka melakukan pengembangan bisnis dan jaringan usaha di berbagai wilayah Kalimantan Timur, kami mengundang para profesional muda dan kader-kader terbaik untuk berkarir di Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Timur pada posisi sebagai berikut :

A. Asisten Pemrograman dan Asisten Teknikal Support (Kode : PGTS)

Kualifikasi :

Pria / wanita.
Menguasai : SQL, database & server, visual basic / Delphi / client service programming (untuk Asisten Pemrograman) dan hardware & communicating (untuk Asisten Teknikal Support).
Usia Maksimal 28 (dua puluh delapan) tahun.
Pendidikan Minimal S1 dari PTN / PTS terakreditasi dengan IPK Minimal 3,00 dan disiplin ilmu : teknik informatika, manajemen informatika, sistem informatika, teknik komputer dan ilmu komputer.
Belum Menikah (dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan dari KUA / Catatan Sipil) dan bersedia tidak menikah selama menjalani masa training.
Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris dengan baik (aktif dan pasif).
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Timur.

B. Asisten Manajemen Barang dan Jasa (Kode : MBJ)

Kualifikasi :

Diutamakan telah memiliki Sertifikasi pengadaan barang & jasa dan/atau berpengalaman dalam pengadaan barang & jasa minimal 2 (dua) tahun.
Usia Maksimal 32 (tiga puluh dua) tahun.
Pendidikan Minimal S1 dari PTN / PTS terakreditasi dengan IPK Minimal 2,75 dan disiplin ilmu : teknik sipil, teknik elektro, arsitek.
Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris dengan baik (aktif dan pasif).
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Timur.

C. Asisten Administrasi (ADM)

Pria / wanita
Usia Maksimal 28 (dua puluh delapan) tahun
Pendidikan Minimal D3 dari PTN / PTS terakreditasi dengan IPK Minimal 3,00 dan disiplin ilmu : ekonomi (akuntansi, manajemen dan ilmu ekonomi & studi pembangunan), teknik industri, hukum dan MIPA (matematika, fisika dan statistika)
Belum Menikah (dibuktikan dengan Surat Keterangan dari KUA/Catatan Sipil) dan bersedia tidak menikah selama menjalani masa training
Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris dengan baik (aktif dan pasif)
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Timur

D. Asisten Legal (Kode : LOF)

Kualifikasi :

Berpengalaman dalam bidang legal officer minimal 2 (dua) tahun.
Usia Maksimal 30 (tiga puluh) tahun.
Pendidikan Minimal S1 dari PTN / PTS terakreditasi dengan IPK Minimal 2,75 dan disiplin ilmu : hukum.
Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris dengan baik (aktif dan pasif).
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Timur.

E. Asisten Audit (Kode : AUDI)

Kualifikasi :

Berpengalaman dalam bidang auditor / akuntan publik minimal 2 (dua) tahun.
Usia Maksimal 30 (tiga puluh) tahun.
Pendidikan Minimal S1 dari PTN / PTS terakreditasi dengan IPK Minimal 2,75 dan disiplin ilmu : akuntansi.
Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Inggris dengan baik (aktif dan pasif).
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja Bank Pembangunan Daerah Kalimantan Timur.

Catatan Penting :

Peserta wajib mengisi aplikasi lamaran yang dapat diakses di www.bankaltim.co.id paling lambat tanggal 24 April 2010.
Bagi pelamar yang tidak mengisi aplikasi lamaran melalui website BPD Kaltim tidak akan diproses lebih lanjut.
Hasil seleksi berkas akan diumumkan pada tanggal 29 April 2010 di seluruh Kantor Cabang BPD Kaltim atau dapat dilihat di website BPD Kaltim.
Test / seleksi akan diselenggarakan di Samarinda.
Biaya dari dan ke tempat seleksi menjadi tanggung jawab peserta

Lowongan Taspen

PT TASPEN (PERSERO) adalah sebuah BUMN yang bergerak dibidang Asuransi dan Pensiun membuka lowongan pekerjaan bagi lulusan Sarjana (S1) dan Diploma 3 (D3) untuk ditempatkan di luar Pulau Jawa.

A. Persyaratan Umum

Warga Negara Republik Indonesia (WNI)
Diutamakan yang bertempat tinggal dan memiliki Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) di wilayah kerja Kantor Cabang Banda Aceh, Pematangsiantar, Pekanbaru, Pangkal Pinang, Tanjung Pinang, Banjarmasin, Samarinda, Makassar, Kendari, Manado, Gorontalo, Ternate, Jayapura, Mamuju, dan Manokwari.
Usia maksimal pelamar adalah 24 tahun untuk D3, dan 30 tahun untuk S1 pada tanggal 31 Desember 2010.
Indeks Prestasi 2,75 untuk PTN dan 3,00 untuk PTS
Program Studi yang diterima adalah lulusan :

Sarjana (Kode: S1) Jurusan : Hukum Perdata (KUM), Manajemen (MAN), Studi Pembangunan (STP), Matematika (MAT), Administrasi Negara/Niaga (ADM) dan Teknologi Informasi (TIN).
Diploma 3 (Kode: D3) Jurusan : Asuransi (ASR), Aktuaria (AKT), Akuntansi (AKU), Sekretaris (SEK), Desain Interior (DIN), Manajemen Informatika (MIN), Teknik Komputer (TKO), Perpajakan (PJK), Manajemen Pemasaran (MPM) dan Statistik ( STA).

Memiliki score TOEFL prediction min. 450 (khusus S1)
Belum menikah dan sanggup untuk tidak menikah selama 2 tahun sejak diangkat sebagai Pegawai
Sehat Jasmani, Rohani, Bebas dari Penggunaan Narkoba dan Obat Psikotropika

B. Persyaratan Administratif

Membuat surat lamaran yang ditujukan kepada Manajer Utama Divisi Sumber Daya Manusia PT TASPEN (PERSERO), disertai lampiran sebagai berikut :
Daftar Riwayat Hidup (dilengkapi dengan no telp/HP);
Pas photo berwarna terbaru ukuran 4 X 6 sebanyak 4 lembar;
Foto copy KTP yang masih berlaku sebanyak 1 lembar;
Foto copy Akte Kelahiran / Surat Keterangan Lahir;
Foto copy Ijasah /Surat Keterangan Lulus, transkrip nilai dan sertifikat TOEFL prediction yang dilegalisir oleh lembaga yang berwenang.
Asli Surat Keterangan Belum Menikah (minimal dari Kelurahan setempat)
Fotokopi Surat Keterangan Kelakuan Baik (SKKB) / Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dari kepolisian
Asli Surat Keterangan sehat jasmani (mencantumkan tinggi dan berat badan), sehat rohani, bebas narkoba dan obat psikotropika, bebas buta warna dari dokter/institusi yang berwenang
Membuat surat pernyataan bermaterai Rp.6.000,- dilampirkan pada berkas lamaran, yang menyatakan :
Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan tidak hormat sebagai pegawai di Instansi Pemerintah/Swasta;
Tidak pernah dihukum penjara berdasarkan keputusan Pengadilan yang telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang tetap karena melakukan suatu tindak pidana;
Bersedia tidak menikah selama 2 tahun sejak diangkat sebagai Pegawai
Bersedia mengikuti seluruh prosedur dan tahapan seleksi;
Bersedia menanggung segala biaya alat tulis (pensil HB, 2B, peraut, penghapus dan papan alas tulis), transportasi dan akomodasi selama proses seleksi dari tempat tinggal (domisili) pelamar ke lokasi seleksi;
Bersedia mengganti biaya yang telah dikeluarkan selama proses seleksi apabila pelamar telah dinyatakan lulus seleksi tahap akhir dan mengundurkan diri secara sepihak;
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia.

Fotokopi surat keterangan pengalaman kerja (bila ada).

C.Tata Cara Melamar

Berkas lamaran lengkap dengan lampiran persyaratan administratif dimasukkan dalam amplop coklat tertutup. Berkas lamaran dikirimkan ke : PO BOX 2952 JKP 10029
Pelamar wajib mencantumkan kode S1 atau D3, kode jurusan dan kode asal pelamar pada sudut kiri atas di sampul depan amplop lamaran dan di dalam surat lamaran halaman pertama. Kode asal pelamar sebagai berikut :

Pelamar dari Pulau Sumatra dan sekitarnya (Kode SUM),
Pelamar dari Pulau Jawa, Bali, dan sekitarnya (Kode JAW),
Pelamar dari Pulau Kalimantan dan sekitarnya (Kode KAL),
Pelamar dari Pulau Sulawesi dan sekitarnya (Kode SUL),
Pelamar dari Papua dan Sekitarnya (Kode JAP),

Contoh : S1/KUM/SUM artinya pelamar lulusan S1 jurusan Hukum Perdata berasal dari Sumatera dan sekitarnya

Seluruh berkas lamaran yang masuk menjadi milik PT.TASPEN (PERSERO) dan tidak dapat ditarik/diambil kembali dengan alasan apapun;
Seleksi dilakukan dengan menggunakan SISTEM GUGUR.

D.Tahapan proses seleksi penting untuk diperhatikan oleh para pelamar :

Pengumuman lowongan dapat dilihat di situs www.taspen.com ; http://portal.bumn.go.id ; www.lptui.com
Berkas lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 24 April 2010 (Cap Pos)

lowongan Acer

Minggu, 21 Maret 2010

Acer Indonesia ranks among the world’s top ten branded PC vendors, designing and marketing easy, dependable IT solutions that empower people to reach their goals and enhance their lives. In 2000, Acer spun-off its manufacturing operation to focus on globally marketing its brand-name products: desktop and mobile PCs, servers and storage, displays, peripherals, and e-business solutions for business, government, education, and home users. Vision A reputable winner in the knowledge-based economy through innovative business models, and marketing of IT products and services. Mission Breaking barriers between people and technology signifies the company’s long-term vision and direction, to bridge the gap between technology and its users.

We are one of the fastest growing IT Company and now we are looking for a dynamic people to fill up the position of :

Key Accountabilities :

Consulting with Head of HR Dept. and Divisional Manager to qualify and understand vacancy requirements prior to advertising
Advertise Job Vacancy on appropriate media
Carry out phone screening and face to face interviews
Coordinate all interviews with key stakeholders
Develop and maintain relationships with recruitment agencies
Negotiate offers with potential applicants and Recruitment agencies
Respond to both internal and external applicants in a timely manner
Build external talent pool for future organization needs.

Requirements :

Bachelor degree in Psychology from reputable University
Min. 5 years experience as Recruitment Specialist from MNC, having experience recruitment for Hi-Tech or Telco would be an advantage.
Strong proficiency of interview skills
Excellent knowledge in reading, analyzing & making interpretation of psychological tools results.
Having good logic & strong analytical ability, excellent in interpersonal & communication skill.
Proactive, hardworking person, pressure persistent, able to thrive in fast-paced.
Fluency in English both oral and written
Computer literacy

Please send your complete resume along with recent photograph, current salary, &aexpected salary before April, 5 2010 to: hrd@acer.co.id

Lowongan PT Cordlife

Selasa, 09 Maret 2010

Cordlife are a well-established and rapidly expanding biotechnology firm. Be part of our team, embark in a challenging career and GROW with us!

IT Executive for Jakarta

Minimum S1 with 2 years of experience
Experience in ERP & CRM
Knowledge in ASP & SQL Server

Telesales for Jakarta (min 2 years experience)
Finance Admin for Medan & Semarang

Minimum S1 with 1-2 years of relevant experience
Experience in book keeping, petty cash and tax reporting
Able to work independently, team oriented and meticulous

Human Resources Executive for Jakarta (min 3 years experience)
Sales & Marketing Executive for Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Medan, Semarang, Yogyakarta and Solo

Minimum S1 with 2 years of direct selling experience
Good communication skill
Able to work independently and team oriented

Marketing Manager for Jakarta

Min 5 years experience
Strategize & implement Consumer and Hospital Marketing Strategies

Please submit your resume to :

hrm@cordlife.com or send to PT Cordlife Indonesia
UOB Plaza, Thamrin Nina Unit 2, Lt 31
Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav 8-10, Jakarta 10320

Lowongan LG Electronics, Inc.(LG)

LG Electronics, Inc.(LG) is a global leader and technology innovator in consumer electronics, mobile communications and home appliances, employing more than 84,000 people working in 112 operations including 81 subsidiaries around the world. With 2008 global sales of $44.7 billion, LG comprises of five business units - Home Entertainment, Mobile Communications, Home Appliance, Air Conditioning and Business Solutions. LG is one of the world's leading producers of flat panel TVs, audio and video products, mobile handsets, air conditioners and washing machines.

The world’s leading electronics company is looking for you ! To support its business growth and operation, LG has opening vacant for high achiever and self-motivated professional as:

Branch Service Head (BSH)

Experience in service field, especially from electronics industry
Experience in people management and leadership would be advantage
Bachelor degree in IT, Industrial or Electrical Engineering
Fluent in English & excellent communication skills
To be based in major cities in Indonesia

Technical Support Head (TSH)

Technical experience in electronics, IT, and mobile phone
Bachelor degree in IT, Industries or Electrical Engineering
Fluent in English & excellent communication skills

Service Planner (SP)

Experience in service management process especially in developing customer satisfaction
Strong analytical skill
Bachelor degree in any discipline
Fluent in English & excellent communication skills

CRM Supervisor (CRM)

Experience in Customer Management Relationship
Strong knowledge in customer behavior
Bachelor degree in any discipline
Fluent in English & excellent communication skills

Warehouse Staff (WH)

Experience in warehouse activity
Bachelor degree in IT or Electrical engineering
Fluent in Englsih & excellent communication skills

Technician (TC)

Preferably male
Minimum graduation of SMK or Diploma

Address :
LG Electronics Indonesia
CS Management Office
Jl Panglima Polim Raya No 69
Jakarta 12160

Project Technical Head (PTH)
Project Engineer (PE)
Spec-In Engineer (SP)

Min Bachelor degree for all sales position
Min 2 years experience in Air Conditioning project
Good relationship with AC project channels
Familiar with AC basic knowledge, project management, service and troubleshooting (for PE)
Familiar with cooling load calculation
AutoCAD drawing, duct design and VRF (for SP)
Able to communicate and writting in English
To be based in Jakarta, Surabaya and Bali

Service Engineer (SE)
Technician Engineer (TE)
Parts Coordinator (PC)

Min SMK or Diploma for after sales position
Min 2 years experience in Air Conditioning project
Familiar with AC basic knowlegde, technical skills, customer service skill
Able to relied upon to complete tasks within allotted time and schedule
To be based in Jakarta, Surabaya and Bali

Area Sales Manager (ASM)

Experience mobile phone sales and marketing
Min Bachelor degree from reputable university
Experience to handle big master dealers for mobile phone in each area
Strong character but can work cooperatively with bussines partner
Excellent communication skills
English fluency is a must, Mandarin / Hokkian is an advantage
To be based in Bandung, Yogyakarta and Pekanbaru

Address :
LG Electronics Indonesia
MKT Office, One Pacific Place 11 floor
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 52-53
Jakarta 12190

Written applications, referenece documents and recent photograph should be submitted before March 13, 2010. Please indicate the position applied by stating the position code on the left side of the envelope. Applications will be treated strictly confidential and only shortlisted candidates will be notified

Lowongan Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN)

Senin, 08 Maret 2010

PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) dikenal sebagai Bank publik skala menengah bereputasi prima dan salah satu bank dengan kinerja keuangan terbaik di Indonesia yang telah meraih berbagai pengakuan dalam bentuk penghargaan dari lembaga lembaga terkemuka dan terpercaya. BTPN menciptakan peluang bagi putera puteri terbaik Indonesia untuk tumbuh bersama secara optimal

Tanggung jawab : Memimpin dan mengelola sales team yang terdiri dari sejumlah Personal Banker untuk mencapai target funding melalui akuisisi dan referensi, serta memberikan layanan prima terhadap seluruh nasabah


S1 semua jurusan dari Universitas ternama dengan IPK min 2.75
Pria/Wanita, maks 35 tahun
Pengalaman di Industri perbankan 4-5 tahun dan 2-3 tahun memimpin sales team
Memiliki leadership dan selling skill yang baik

Tanggung jawab : Memimpin dan mengelola cabang Retail Funding untuk mencapai target funding yang ditentukan serta memberikan layanan prima kepada seluruh nasabah

Kualifiakasi :

S1 semua jurusan dari Universitas ternama dengan IPK min. 2,75
Pria/Wanita, maks 35 tahun
Pengalaman di industri perbankan 4-5 tahun dan 2-3 tahun memimpin cabang
Memahami dan mengimplementasikan system dan prosedur operasional bank
Memahami leadership dan selling skill yang baik

Tanggung jawab : Mencapai target funding dengan melakukan akuisisi nasabah baru, maintaining nasabah sekarang dan melakukan cross selling

Kualifikasi :

S1 semua jurusan dari Universitas ternama dengan IPK min 2.75
Pria/Wanita, maks 35 tahun
Berpengalaman kerja di perbankan dan atau institusi keuangan min 3 tahun
Energik, mandiri dalam bekerja dan berorientasi kuat terhadap target
Berpenampilan menarik, percaya diri dan memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
Memiliki integritas yang tinggi
Mempunyai jaringan yang luas
Lokasi penempatan : Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Sumatera, Sulawesi, Kalimantan

Cantumkan kode posisi dan wilayah penempatan di kiri amplop atau subject email. Contoh : PB-Jawa Barat

Kirimkan surat lamaran beserta CV, pas foto dan kelengkapan dokumen lainnya kepada

PO BOX 4026 JKTM 12700
Atau melalui email : recruitment@btpn.com (format file: *.doc, *.zip, * max 300kb)
Dokumen paling lambat diterima dalam 14 hari setelah iklan ditayangkan

Lowongan PT Pertamina

Kesempatan untuk berkembang di Pertamina sangat terbuka luas karena kami memiliki bisnis dari hulu sampai ke hilir, mulai dari Eksplorasi & Produksi, Pengolahan, Distribusi hingga Pemasaran produk-produknya, serta panas bumi. Sebagai investasikami di masa depan, kami menyediakan dana yang sangat besar untuk menciptakan pekerja-pekerja berprestasi, menciptakan pemimpin-pemimpin masa depan yang tangguh, yang mampu membawa Pertamina menghadapi berbagai tantangan di masa yang akan datang. Kami juga berkomitmen untuk memajukan riset dan pengembangan yang didukung oleh teknologi terkini.

Lokasi Kerja Papua, Jakarta Raya, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Kalimantan Timur, Sulawesi Selatan, Sumatera Selatan, Sumatera Utara, Yogyakarta

Pertamina mencari individu-individu berbakat dan berpotensi yang mampu mencerminkan tata nilai perusahaan untuk menjadi bagian dari tim yang mengakselerasi pencapaian visi Pertamina: menjadi perusahaan migas nasional kelas dunia. Kembangkanlah ide, kreativitas dan inovasi anda sebagai solusi dalam rangka peningkatan kualitas operasional sampai dengan pengembangan bisnis. Temukan berbagai pekerjaan dan tugas yang menantang dan berbagai pilihan tempat bekerja. Anda akan bekerja sama dengan rekan kerja dari berbagai latar belakang pendidikan, profesi dan budaya. Temukan pengalaman berharga dan rasakan bagaimana semua hal tersebut dapat mengembangkan kemampuan dan kompetensi anda.

Bergabunglah bersama kami untuk membangun perusahaan migas nasional kelas dunia!!

Tanggung Jawab :

Mengikuti program pendidikan yang komprehensif di dalam program Bimbingan Praktis Ahli (BPA), dimana akan terdapat kombinasi pendidikan dalam kelas dan OJT (Program Magang). Program BPA dibentuk untuk menyediakan para kandidat yang potensial untuk menjadi pimpinan di masa depan dengan mempersiapkan ilmu pengetahuan dan pelatihan langsung terkait dengan proses bisnis utama perusahaan.
Mempelajari dinamika kegiatan proses bisnis perusahaan secara menyeluruh, melakukan observasi dan analisa terhadap kondisi lapangan.
Melakukan improvement terhadap proses dan pengembangan tools yang dapat mempercepat dan mengefektifkan proses bisnis, khususnya bidang Keuangan

Persyaratan :
Pendidikan Diploma 3 (D3) Jurusan Akuntasi, dan Ekonomi Manajemen
IPK min. 3.00 (skala 4)
Usia maks. 25 tahun
Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris secara aktif baik lisan maupun tulisan
Aktif dalam kegiatan organisasi
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh unit usaha Pertamina

Salah satu persyaratan yang wajib diikuti setelah anda melakukan Registrasi CV anda adalah mengisi Test Bahasa Inggris secara Online, mohon agar Anda dapat mempersiapkan diri anda sebaik mungkin (Test online akan muncul sesaat setelah anda selesai membuat resume)

Bimbingan Profesi Sarjana (BPS)
Aceh, Bali, Bengkulu, Papua, Jakarta Raya, Jambi, Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, Jawa Timur, Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Tengah, Kalimantan Timur, Lampung, Maluku, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Riau, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Tenggara, Sulawesi Utara, Sumatera Barat, Sumatera Selatan, Sumatera Utara, Yogyakarta, Bangka Belitung, Banten, Gorontalo, Maluku Utara

Pertamina mencari individu-individu berbakat dan berpotensi yang mampu mencerminkan tata nilai perusahaan untuk menjadi bagian dari tim yang mengakselerasi pencapaian visi Pertamina: menjadi perusahaan migas nasional kelas dunia. Kembangkanlah ide, kreativitas dan inovasi anda sebagai solusi dalam rangka peningkatan kualitas operasional sampai dengan pengembangan bisnis. Temukan berbagai pekerjaan dan tugas yang menantang dan berbagai pilihan tempat bekerja. Anda akan bekerja sama dengan rekan kerja dari berbagai latar belakang pendidikan, profesi dan budaya. Temukan pengalaman berharga dan rasakan bagaimana semua hal tersebut dapat mengembangkan kemampuan dan kompetensi anda

Bergabunglah bersama kami untuk membangun perusahaan migas nasional kelas dunia!!

Tanggung Jawab :

Saudara akan mengikuti program pendidikan yang komprehensif di dalam program Bimbingan Profesi Sarjana, dimana akan terdapat kombinasi pendidikan dalam kelas dan OJT (Program Magang). Program BPS dibentuk untuk menyediakan para kandidat yang potensial untuk menjadi pimpinan di masa depan dengan mempersiapkan ilmu pengetahuan dan pelatihan langsung terkait dengan proses bisnis utama perusahaan.
Mempelajari dinamika kegiatan proses bisnis perusahaan secara menyeluruh, melakukan observasi dan analisa terhadap kondisi lapangan.
Melakukan improvement terhadap proses dan pengembangan tools yang dapat mempercepat dan mengefektifkan proses bisnis.

Persyaratan :

Pendidikan Strata 1 (S1) dari Perguruan Tinggi Terakreditasi, dengan jurusan Teknik Kimia, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Industri, Teknik Perminyakan, Akuntansi, Manajemen Keuangan, Manajemen Pemasaran, dan Hukum.
IPK min. 3.00 (skala 4)
Usia maks. 25 tahun
Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris secara aktif baik lisan maupun tulisan
Aktif dalam kegiatan organisasi
Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh unit usaha Pertamina

Apply Online Bimbingan Profesi Sarjana dan Bimbingan Praktis Ahli Keuangan : LOWONGAN PERTAMINA

Lokasi Kerja Seluruh Wilayah Indonesia

Tanggung Jawab :
Melaksanakan koordinasi dengan eselon terkait sebelum melaksanakan tugas
Memeriksa semua perlengkapan kapal yang akan digunakan dalam keadaan baik
Memeriksa semua Sarana Bantu Pelabuhan yang mendukung Operasi Mooring - Unmooring dalam keadaan siap operasi
Memperhitungkan keadaan arus/cuaca untuk keselamatan Mooring - Unmooring
Melaksanakan tindakan berjaga-jaga, dalam keadaan mendesak dan mengambil keputusan yang perlu demi keamanan kapal/terminal
Melaksanakan pengawasan operasi STS selama VLCC/LR terikat di SPM Cilacap, STS Kalbut, STS/SPM Balikpapan, SPM Cengkareng, SPM Belawan, TT Manggis, STS/SPM Balongan dan STS Teluk Semangka, LPG BMU Eretan serta lokasi-lokasi kerja Mooring Master lainnya
Melaksanakan pengawasan dan penjagaan, mengambil tindakan yang perlu untuk kelancaran, keamanan dan keselamatan, tetap siaga di atas kapal selama kapal- kapal di STS/SPM melakukan kegiatan loading/unloading
Memberikan advice kepada Shore Management untuk mengambil keputusan yang perlu
Mengawasi kondisi peralatan SPM maupun peralatan di lokasi / operasi STS / SPM / Jetty untuk keselamatan Operasi dan melaporkan kepada eselon terkait
Melaksanakan survey lokasi di daerah STS yang baru dan memberikan masukan- masukan yang perlu
Melaksanakan tugas sebagai penghubung antara kapal dengan darat
Melaksanakan tugas sebagai safety supervisor
Melaksanakan sandar dan lepas sandar

Persyaratan :

1. Pendidikan Formal
* ANT I (Master Mariner)
* Maritime Pilot Certificate (+endorsement, min. 2011)
2. Memiliki keahlian
* Mampu Olah Gerak Kapal
* Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif
* Mampu bertugas di laut / di kapal
* Mampu mengoperasikan PC
3. Memiliki pengalaman di bidang Olah Gerak Kapal
* Minimal 5 (lima) tahun sebagai nahkoda, atau
* Minimal 3 (tiga) tahun sebagai Pandu Bandar
4. Memiliki kesehatan yang prima
5. Usia maksimal 45 tahun
6. Memiliki pengetahuan dan sertifikat dibidang
* Radar Simulator
* Arpa Simulator
* Survival Craft and Rescue Boat
* ISPS Code
* Bridge Team Management
* Ship Handling and Maneouvering Course
* Oil Tanker Specialized Program
* IMDG Code

Scan Nilai Transkrip adalah dokumen yang wajib diberikan pada saat anda melamar ke posisi ini. Bagi CV yang tidak terdapat scan nilai transkrip, tidak dapat mengikuti proses selanjutnya.

PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) hanya mengundang pelamar terbaik untuk mengikuti seleksi. Keputusan untuk memanggil pelamar dan penentuan hasil seleksi merupakan hak dari PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO), serta tidak dapat diganggu gugat. Dalam proses seleksi, PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) tidak melayani surat menyurat dan tidak memungut biaya apapun (hati-hati dengan penipuan!)


Minggu, 07 Februari 2010

Job InformaStaff IT
03 February 2010 - 03 March 2010
PT. CLIPAN FINANCE INDONESIA TBK (Multi Finance-Lembaga Pembiayaan)
Pembiayaan / Leasing Automotive, Truck dan Alat-alat Berattion
Job Level Staff <2 yrs experience
Job FunctionHelpdesk Support
Industry IT, Multi Finance-Lembaga Pembiayaan
Job Location Jakarta
Type of WorkFull Time
Type of EmploymentContract
Level of Education Computer Engineering / Teknik Informatika, Computer Science / Ilmu Komputer
DegreeDiploma 3
Work Experience 1
Job Description-
RequirementsSTAFF IT (Technical Support Staff)

Kriteria sebagai berikut:
Pendidikan Min. D III/ S1 Tehnik Komputer / Tehnik Informatika
Pengalaman di posisi yang sama min. 1 tahun
Mampu menangani trouble shooting baik Hardware maupun Software
Dapat melakukan instalasi, administrasi dan maintenance system jaringan / LAN
Mengerti mengenai Web Server, Mail Server, Proxy Server
Dapat bekerja di bawah tekanan
Mampu bekerja mandiri maupun dalam team
Ditempatkan di Jakarta

STAFF IT (Programer Staff)

Kriteria sebagai berikut:
Pendidikan Min D III Sistem Informatika / Teknik Informatika
IPK min 2.75
Usia Max 30 tahun
Menguasai pemprogaman desktop dan web (asp.net,c#.net,vb.net 2005)
Menguasai SQL Server 2005
Menguasai reporting ( SSRS dan atau Crystal Report)
Mengetahui pengetehuan tentang LAN, Javascript,CSS,PHP, MySQL,ASP Classic merupakan nilai tambah
Disiplin, Mandiri dan memiliki kemauan untuk belajar
Ditempatkan di Jakarta

Kirimkan CV anda ke email hrd@clipan.co.id

Lowongan Kerja PT. Asmin Bara Bronang

03 February 2010 - 03 March 2010
PT. Asmin Bara Bronang (Oil/Gas/Other Mining-Pertambangan Minyak, Gas dan lainnya)
Job Information
Job Level Supervisor/Team Leader
Job FunctionConstructions
Industry Construction-Konstruksi, Oil/Gas/Other Mining-Pertambangan Minyak, Gas dan lainnya
Job Location Jakarta
Type of WorkFull Time
Type of EmploymentPermanent
Level of Education Civil Engineering / Teknik Sipil
DegreeBachelor's Degree / S1
Work Experience 4
Job DescriptionEnsuring the project plans and milestone are being met and keeping a project on schedule in budget and estimation cost
Implementation of methods and technology associated with infrastructures systems and construction programs
Lead, monitor and control mine infrastructure projects
Coordinating activities to construct capital project comprising Safety procedures and resolving any dispute which may arise on the site with minimum supervision
Knowledgeable with the construction industry

RequirementsAssociate Degree (S1) in Civil / Structural Engineering with leadership qualities
Minimum 4 or 5 years experience as Construction Supervisor, mainly from Construction/Mining companies
Excellent experience managing construction teams and controlling budgets
Required experiences in Construction of Hauling Roads, Barge, Jetty Port, Docks, Crusher, Rom Stock Pile and Product Complete
Sound knowledge of construction site safety procedures, K3 / HSE
Computer literate with advanced knowledge of Auto CAD, CorelDraw, MS Project, and Civil 3D
Willing to relocate to site

In return for your skills and experiences, you will be rewarded with excellent salary and benefit packages available to ensure your results are being duly rewarded. Please send your updated resume, copy of supporting document and expectation salary to:

HR Manager
hrd@atb.co.id or PO BOX 1229 JKP 10012
-Only short listed candidates will be notified-

Lowongan Kerja PT. Nutrifood Ind

Legal Officer (LO)
03 February 2010 - 02 March 2010
PT. Nutrifood Indonesia (FMCG/Barang Konsumen)
Founded in 1979, Nutrifood manufactures and markets international-quality health food and beverages under leading brands. Our head quarter is in Jakarta, with a distribution network in more than 30 countries around the world.

Nutrifood is a company that innovatively inspires and supports every individual to attain balanced life by living a fun healthy-life and being mindful of nutrition intake, thus enjoying a longer healthy life.

Our activity is supported by three pillars:

1. Quality Product and Services
Nutrifood innovatively provides premium product and services of in high quality, ease and pleasant, and effective based on scientific approach.
2. Sound Management
Nutrifood is spearheaded by an expert team who?s professional and highly committed, experienced and innovative in maximizing product and service quality
3. Stakeholder Engagement Program
Nutrifood is innovatively and proactively educating and promoting healthy and nutritious lifestyle that involves key stakeholders.
Our Brands : Tropicana Slim, Hi-Lo, WRP, Nutrisari, L-Men, WRP, dan WRP diet Center.
Job Information
Job Level Entry Level
Job FunctionIn-house Lawyer / Corporate lawyer
Industry FMCG/Barang Konsumen
Job Location Jakarta
Type of WorkFull Time
Type of EmploymentContract
Level of Education Law / Hukum
DegreeBachelor's Degree / S1
Work Experience Not required
Age 24 - 27
Job Description-
Requirements* Male, age max 27 years
* Bachelor degree from Law, with GPA min 3.00
* Able to speak English
* Able to work under pressure
* Knowledge of organizational polices in legal affairs
* Trustworthy and able to respect confidentiality
* Familiar build relationship with government institution and permissibility

Send your CV, academic transcript, significant documents and recent photograph.
Please put position code at the left side of envelope or subject e-mail to :
Recruitment Department
PT Nutrifood Indonesia Jl. Rawabali II No. 3 Kawasan Industri Pulogadung Jakarta Timur 13920
e-mail : recruitment@nutrifood.co.id

Lowongan kerja PT Dyviacom Intrabumi, Tbk (IT)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Support
04 February 2010 - 28 February 2010
PT Dyviacom Intrabumi, Tbk (IT)
Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang IT Solutions dan Training.
Job Level Entry Level
Job FunctionWeb Development
Industry IT
Job Location Jakarta
Type of WorkFull Time
Type of EmploymentContract
Level of Education Computer Science / Ilmu Komputer
DegreeDiploma 3
Work Experience Not required
Age 21 - 27
Job DescriptionMemposting artikel dan membangun link.
Mengoptimalisasi website.
Menganalisa keyword.
Mengumpulkan dan mengolah data statistik web.
RequirementsMemahami pemrograman berbasis html, php, dan css.
Tekun, ulet dan rajin.
Mempunyai blog / website pribadi.
Lebih disukai memahami teknik-teknik SEO.
Fresh Graduated welcome.


Teacher Robot
04 February 2010 - 04 March 2010
PT. DIGIKIDZ INDONESIA - Multimedia Computer Learning Center (Education-Pendidikan)
Education (mengajarkan komputer dan multimedia berbasis kreativitas kepada anak-anak dan remaja usia 3-15 tahun dalam bahasa Inggris)
Company Information
Phone Number+62 21-5371163
Fax Number+62 21-5371649
Contact PersonDjoko Darmanto
Job Information
Job Level Entry Level
Job FunctionTeacher / Guru
Industry Education-Pendidikan
Job Location Jakarta
Type of WorkFull Time
Type of EmploymentPermanent
DegreeDiploma 3
Work Experience Not required
Age 22 - 28
Job DescriptionMengajar Robot duntuk usia 5 - 15 Tahun, Training di sediakan
? Wanita/Pria mahasiswa tingkat akhir/lulusan D3/S1 jurusan Teknologi Informasi/Komputer
? Suka anak-anak dan main LEGO
? Menguasai Komputer
? Suka tantangan, dinamis dan kreatif
? Mampu berkerja dalam team
? Training robot di sediakan
Lokasi Kerja BSD,Lippo Karawaci,Puri Indah

Lowongan Kerja PT. SINAR ANTJOL

04 February 2010 - 04 March 2010
PT. SINAR ANTJOL (Manufacturing-Pabrik)
PT. Sinar Antjol which has been operating since 1942, is now becoming the largest and most sophisticated factories in Indonesia and respected company in global market. PT. Sinar Antjol is known as the providers of best brands and variety of cleaner products at the best competitive price. These products include bar soap, floor cleaner, dish washer, cream and powder detergent, laundry bar, hand body lotion, body mist, hair mist, feminine hygiene, shampoo as well as other types of cleaner and cosmetic products.

With more than 120 distributors spread out in all provinces of Indonesia, the Company is firmly positioned to serve Indonesian market. In addition to the Indonesian market, PT. Sinar Antjol is also actively stretching its network all over the world. Currently, aside of having three factory abroad (Ghana, Ethiopia, China), PT. Sinar Antjol exports its various cleaners, soap products and cosmetic products to more than 60 countries in 5 continents.

Job Information
Job Level Staff <2 yrs experience
Job FunctionAccounting
Industry Manufacturing-Pabrik
Job Location Jakarta
Type of WorkFull Time
Type of EmploymentPermanent
Level of Education Accounting / Akuntansi
DegreeBachelor's Degree / S1
Work Experience 1
Job Description-
-S1 Management/finance/accounting
-Most preferably from reputable University with GPA min. 3.00
-Max 28 years old
-Fresh Graduate / Having 1 ? 2 years experiences in Account Receivable, Account Payable Finance or Cost Accounting
-Easy to learn, have high standard of achievement, strong commitment and preferably active at various organization.
-Willing to be based nationally (Pluit, Lodan-Ancol, Tangerang) and globally in all Sinar Antjol?s operation

Lowongan PT. Adyawinsa Telecomunication & Electrical (IT)

Selasa, 02 Februari 2010

Engineer Optic
01 February 2010 - 01 March 2010
PT. Adyawinsa Telecomunication & Electrical (IT)
Adyawinsa Group is a provider of mould, die, checking jig, fixtures, plastic injection, metal stamping, machining, welding, metal roof manufacturing, lamp fixture manufacturing, electrical assembly, telecommunication infrastructure and telecommunication services. We work professionally with the world standard ISO9001 & TS-16949 (certified) to satisfy customer expectation.

Adyawinsa Group was established on March 2nd, 1994. It is now supported by more than 1500 employees; most of them are in the manufacturing industry. We put Customers as our Partners to be able to deliver added values and competitive advantages through our products and services.

It currently has 4 business divisions: Luminaire, Telecommunication, Stamping & Plastic Injection, and Stamping Industry.

Job Information
Job Level Staff <2 yrs experience
Job FunctionEngineer-Electrical
Industry IT, Telecommunication
Job Location Jakarta
Type of WorkFull Time
Type of EmploymentContract
DegreeDiploma 3
Work Experience 1
Job Description-
RequirementsPT.Adyawinsa T & E, Bergerak dibidang Industri Telekomunikasi di Indonesia (www.adyawinsa.com), merupakan salah satu partner dari Huawei, sedang membutuhkan Engineer Optic.

Syarat-syarat yang dibutuhkan:

1. Education min D3
2. Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun dalam menangani project2 optic huawei : metro1000, OSN dan DDWDM
3. Mengerti dan dapat mengoperasikan alat ukur : Optical Power Meter (OPM), Optical Attenuator, Ber Test baik untuk STM 1 dan E1.
4. Mengerti dan dapat bekerja sesuai dengan standart Hardware Instalasi perangkat2 Optic serta Quality Standard yang berlaku.
5. Memahami konsep optical, SDH dan PDH, serta DWDM.
6. Dapat menyeledaikan laporan serta mampu berkoordinasi dengan project coordinator/manager.
7. Siap bekerja di luar kota
8. Mampu dan dapat menggunakan bahasa inggris dengan baik.

Untuk pelamar yang sesuai dengan persyaratan diatas bisa mengirimkan surat lamaran dan CV ke Janizal@adyawinsa.com cc ibnu.yudha@adyawinsa.com

lowongan Petra Alpha Christian School

Science, Social Studies, Physical Education Teacher (TK,SD,SMP,SMA)
01 February 2010 - 27 May 2010
Petra Alpha Christian School (Education-Pendidikan)
Sekolah Kristen National PLUS
Job Information
Job Level Entry Level, Staff <2 yrs experience , Staff 3-4 yrs experience
Job FunctionTeacher / Guru
Industry Education-Pendidikan
Job Location Jakarta
Type of WorkFull Time
Type of EmploymentContract
Offering SalaryRp 1-2 mil
Level of Education Biology / Ilmu Biologi, Nutrition / Ilmu Gizi, Social Science / Ilmu Sosial
DegreeBachelor's Degree / S1
Work Experience 2
Age 24 - 35
Job DescriptionTeach
Prepare Lesson Plans
Work in a team
* A detail description will be given during interview session
RequirementsWe are a National Plus Christian School located in West Jakarta by the name PETRA Alpha Christian School. We are currently looking for educators/teachers who are future oriented and most importantly are passionate about what The Lord Jesus Christ is doing in the generation today. We need someone who sees children/youths as GIFTS from God and will continually encourage them to walk in their God-given purpose. We are looking for someone who understands that education is not just about academic achievements but also about raising children in the ways of the Lord ? to have a promising character that will sustain them throughout their lives to become Historymakers for The Lord Jesus Christ.

Full Time Teacher for all levels (TK, SD, SMP & SMA) and all subjects:

A Passion for teaching Children & Youths.
A minimum in Bachelors Degree.
Minimum 2 Years experience in the field of teaching children& youths. (For some subjects fresh Graduates may be considered)
Fluent in Bahasa Indonesia (oral & written) for Indonesian subjects.
Fluent in English Language (oral & written) for English subjects.
Computer Literate. (Word, Excel, Power Point)
Minimum age range between 22 ? 35 years old.
Is committed, hardworking, creative & innovative and a team player.
Authorized to work in Indonesia.
A high willingness to learn. Always equipping oneself.
Positive Attitude.

Lowongan PT.ZHOU INTERNATIONAL (Telecommunication)

Senin, 01 Februari 2010

27 January 2010 - 08 February 2010
PT.ZHOU INTERNATIONAL (Telecommunication)
Job Information
Job Level Supervisor/Team Leader
Job FunctionFinancial Controller
Industry Telecommunication
Job Location Jakarta
Type of WorkFull Time
Type of EmploymentPermanent
Level of Education Accounting / Akuntansi
DegreeBachelor's Degree / S1
Work Experience 2
Job Description-
Requirements-Female max 30 years old
-S1 Majoring from Accouting
-Minimum 2 years working experience in Finance Supervisor
-Must be proficient in Microsoft Office applications (Word, Excel & Power Point
-Capable to making the financial report, cash flow, etc
-Good communication, good leadership and interpersonal skill
-Mature, Hard worker, Dynamic, Discipline & Honest
-Able to maintain performance under pressure

If you meet above requirements, please send your comprehensively CV, recent photo to :
Komp. Perkantoran Ruko Roxy Mas
Blok B1 / 18
Jl. KH Hasyim AShari 125
Jakarta Pusat 10150

Or send to : hrd@asiafonemobile.com


Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

PT. MARTA TEKNIK TUNGGAL (Construction-Konstruksi)
Perusahaan General Contractor dengan kantor pusat di Jalan Cimandiri No. 6 Jakarta Pusat dan sejumlah kantor perwakilan di Manado, Ternate, dan Papua
Job Information
Job Level Staff <2 yrs experience
Job FunctionIn-house Lawyer / Corporate lawyer
Industry Construction-Konstruksi
Job Location Jakarta
Type of WorkFull Time
Type of EmploymentContract
Level of Education Law / Hukum
DegreeBachelor's Degree / S1
Work Experience 2
Age 20 - 25
Job Description-
RequirementsWanita, Max. 25 Tahun;
Belum Menikah;
S-1 Hukum;
Menguasai Computer;
Bahasa Inggris Aktif;
Mampu membuat dan mereview surat perjanjian;
Menguasai hubungan industrial
Mampu membina hubungan interpersonal dengan baik dan komunikatif;
Memiliki kemampuan analisa dan negosiasi.

Kirim surat lamaran lengkap, CV, Ijasah dan Photo terbaru ke :

PO. Box. : 1418 JKP 10014

Email ke : mtt_hrd@yahoo.com


28 January 2010 - 28 February 2010
PT. TEKNOKRAFT ASIA (Manufacturing-Pabrik)

We have grown significantly from our start in 1995. From a core of more Technicians with a dream, to become
a specialized service center with our team of 40 professionals today. Our customers have insisted we grow, to
meet their needs, and handle their unique applications. At Teknokraft, everyone becomes involved in
understanding customers problems and developing the best solution. Our Technology and resources are
dedicated to providing customers with innovative, reliable products and good service.
Teknokraft Asia is leading company in Wear Control Technology and our company specialize in Wear Control using Thermal Spray, Plasma Welding with advance material.
Company Information
Phone Number+62 21 7805402
Fax Number+62 21 7808016
Contact PersonBpk. Tri Susilo
Job Information
Job Level Staff <2 yrs experience
Job FunctionEngineer-Mechanical
Industry Manufacturing-Pabrik
Job Location Jakarta
Type of WorkFull Time
Type of EmploymentPermanent
Level of Education Mechanical Engineering / Teknik Mesin
DegreeBachelor's Degree / S1
Work Experience 1
Age 30 - 35
Job Description-
RequirementsWe are currently looking for an Indonesian to fill in the position :
Job Qualification:
- Male, max. 35 years old.
- S1 from mechanical engineering or metallurgy.
- Working Experiences min. 1 years in Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgy or Metal Fabrication.
- English proficient (oral/written).
- Have a good knowledge on Machining Process & Welding.
- Familiar with Mechanical Drawing.
- Able to work under presure, proactive & independenly.
- Understand ISO procedure.

If you are ready to master this challenge, please send your complete application to :

Lowongan PT. Asjaya Indosurya (Trading-Perdagangan)

28 January 2010 - 28 February 2010
PT. Asjaya Indosurya (Trading-Perdagangan)
Seiring dengan perkembangan bisnis PT. Asjaya Indosurya, maka kami membutuhkan sumber daya manusia berbakat dan memiliki kemauan keras untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut :

Web Programmer, IT Help Desk, Equity Analyst, Customer Relationship Officer, Public Relation, Recruitment and Training Officer, Administration Officer, Tele Refferal Oficer, Sales Manager, Account Executive
Job Level Entry Level
Job FunctionTrainer
Industry Banking-Bank, Consulting, Insurance-Asuransi
Job Location Jakarta
Type of WorkFull Time
Type of EmploymentPermanent
Offering SalaryRp 1-2 mil
DegreeDiploma 3
Work Experience 2
Job DescriptionTrainer
Requirements? Male/Female, max 30 years old
? Min D3 from reputable university
? Experience min.2 years (in Securities company would be an advantage)
? Have an excellent experience selling skill and soft skill training
? Fluent in English
? Understand competency based training
? Able to make yearly training plan
? Able to use several tools to evaluate training
? Able to conduct/delivering training with various method
? Able to make or develop training module
? Excellent communication and presentation skill
? Have excellent knowledge in capital market
? Salary min 1.800.000/Month ++


29 January 2010 - 28 February 2010
Content Management System
InWeb Content Management System features easy to use, WYSIWYG content editing, multi-level admin, security matrix and extensible module system. This CMS allows you to develop wide range of website, from simple personal website to enterprise-grade web application.

Online Platform for Project Tracking
InAct, your on-line platform for Project Tracking and Management, is a user-friendly service that gives the status of your projects and activities in ?real time?. Team collaboration, project budget and expense tracking, documentation management, and procurement are part of what you can manage through InAct.
Job Information
Job Level Staff <2 yrs experience
Job FunctionAccount Management
Industry IT, Media
Job Location Jakarta
Type of WorkFull Time
Type of EmploymentContract
DegreeBachelor's Degree / S1
Work Experience 1
Age 25 - 30
Job Description-
- Male or Female Max 30 years old
- Minimum S1
- Having sales experience 1 year in any industry,
- Preferred in advertising or Internet industry be an advantage also hardworking,
- Target-oriented,
- Self-motivated person,
- Wide networking

If you meet the above requirements
Please send application letter, CV in English
With current & expected salary
And recent photograph via email to :
visit our website www.inarts.co.id
PT. Inti Artistika Solusitama
Attn. Mr. S. Yugo Darsono
Jl. Terogong Raya No. 17, Cilandak Barat Jakarta Selatan 12430
Tlp. 021-75911733/ 021-7509070
Fax. 021-75911720


Field Support
29 January 2010 - 27 February 2010
PT. USADI SISTEMINDO INTERMATIKA , kami adalah market leader penunjang business process pemerintahan berbasiskan Information Technology. Perusahaan nasional di bidang jasa konsultansi didukung oleh tenaga tenaga muda profesional dan berpengalaman dalam bidangnya, menyediakan Jasa Pengembangan SIM untuk memenuhi kebutuhan organisasi pemerintah dan korporat dalam rangka menghadapi tuntutan perubahan lokal maupun regional.
Company Information
Phone Number+62 21 8499 1234
Fax Number+62 21 8499 5678
Contact PersonBpk. Munardi
Job Information
Job Level Entry Level
Job FunctionHelpdesk Support
Industry Consulting, IT, Outsourcing
Job Location Jakarta
Type of WorkFull Time
Type of EmploymentContract
Level of Education Accounting / Akuntansi, Computer Engineering / Teknik Informatika, Computer Science / Ilmu Komputer
DegreeBachelor's Degree / S1
Work Experience Not required
Age 21 - 27
Job DescriptionImplementasi Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah di Provinsi/Kabupaten/Kota di Indonesia. Field Support melakukan asistensi pengoperasian aplikasi SIPKD kepada para operator, bekerja sama dengan Administrator di Pemerintah Daerah.
RequirementsBelum menikah, IPK ? 2,75, Familiar dengan OS & penggunaan Database berbasis Windows. Lebih diutamakan memahami Keuangan Daerah/Akuntansi Pemerintahan
Formulir lamaran download di www.usadi.co.id & kirim balik ke : recruitment.usadi@gmail.com

lowongan MULTI STRUCTURE GROUP (Construction-Konstruksi)

29 January 2010 - 07 February 2010
MULTI STRUCTURE GROUP (Construction-Konstruksi)
Multi Structure Group is one leading Indonesian company with the focus of Road ang High Rise Building Construction.
Company Information
Phone Number+62 21-53666699
Fax Number+62 21-53666578
Contact PersonAnggi Natasyha
Job Information
Job Level Staff 3-4 yrs experience
Job FunctionEngineer-Civil
Industry Construction-Konstruksi
Job Location Jakarta
Type of WorkFull Time
Type of EmploymentPermanent
Level of Education Civil Engineering / Teknik Sipil
DegreeDiploma 3
Work Experience 3
Job DescriptionMain Job :
- Bertanggung jawab terhadap mutu beton
- Menguji beton-beton
- Bertanggung jawab terhadap benda-benda uji dan complain yang ada pada lapangan
Requirements- Menguasai Jobmix (berpengalaman di bidangnya)
- Cekatan dan tanggap menghadapi permasalahan di lapangan
- Disiplin
- Jujur (Berintegritas)
- Pekerja keras

Kirim CV :
Alamat : Wisma 76, lt.20 (Jl.Letjend S.Parman Kav 76-Jakarta Barat)
Email : hrd@multi-structure.com

Lowongan Bank Mega

Job Level Staff <2 yrs experience
Job FunctionAccount Management
Industry Banking-Bank
Job Location Jakarta
Type of WorkFull Time
Type of EmploymentPermanent
DegreeDiploma 3
Work Experience 1
Job DescriptionAccount Officer merupakan ujung tombak bisnis Mikro yang melakukan pencarian nasabah dan memberikan advise kepada nasabah atas penggunaan pembiayaan. Merupakan pilihan yang tepat untuk kandidat yang menyukai tantangan dan ingin memiliki jenjang karir di bidang Sales dan penghasilan yang menjanjikan.

Requirements-Pria/ Wanita, usia maks. 30 tahun
-Pendidikan min. D3
-Pengalaman min. 1 thn sbg Marketing di Perbankan/ Leasing
-Memiliki kendaraan bermotor

HR Regional Support
Job Level Staff <2 yrs experience
Job FunctionHR Generalist
Industry Banking-Bank
Job Location Jakarta
Type of WorkFull Time
Type of EmploymentPermanent
Level of Education Psychology / Psikologi
DegreeBachelor's Degree / S1
Work Experience 1
Job Description-
Requirements-Pria/Wanita. Usia < 30 Tahun
-S1 Psikologi. IPK >2,75
- Regional BSMI ? Regional Medan, Palembang, Jakarta, Solo, Surabaya dan Semarang.
-Mampu melakukan proses tes psikologi.
-Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik.
-Memiliki kemampuan administatif.
-Diutamakan Putra/Putri daerah

PMO (Project Management Officer)
Job Level Staff <2 yrs experience
Job FunctionProject Management
Industry Banking-Bank
Job Location Jakarta
Type of WorkFull Time
Type of EmploymentPermanent
DegreeBachelor's Degree / S1
Work Experience 1
Job Description-
Requirements-Pria / Wanita, maks 35 tahun
-S1 Any major, IPK >2,8
-Memiliki pengalaman di GA, khususnya dalam memaintance Gedung / cabang
-Mampu bekerja dengan target dan perjalanan dinas secara intensive ke seluruh Indonesia
-Penempatan di Jakarta
Lamaran lengkap & CV dikirim ke :
HCM Division-Bank Mega Syariah
Gedung Smesco Indonesia Lt. 14
Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 94, Jakarta Selatan
Email ke :
hr.recruitment@bsmi.co.id (maks 150kb, word)
(Lamaran Paling Lambat di terima tanggal 10 februari 2010)

Lowongan PT Gudang Garam Tbk

PT Gudang Garam Tbk is one of the leading cigarette producers that secures the largest market share in Indonesia, produced more than 70 billions sticks in the year 2001 and well-known as the high quality kretek cigarette producer.
Now PT. Gudang Garam Tbk – Direktorat Grafika membutuhkan karyawan untuk posisi :

Syarat umum :
Jenis kelamin laki-laki
Usia minimal 20 tahun
IPK minimal 2.75
Syarat khusus :
S1/D3 T. Mesin, T. Elektro arus lemah diperuntukkan jabatan / pekerjaan sebagai Teknisi Mesin/Elektro
S1/D3 Kimia diperuntukkan jabatan QC/QA
Pekerja keras, inovatif serta dapat bekerja individu maupun team
Lamaran diserahkan langsung ke :Student Advisory Center (SAC) ITS
Lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal :
17 Februari 2010
sumber : sac. its.ac id

Lowongan tambang PT Baramulti

Jumat, 29 Januari 2010

We are the fast growing coal mining, coal concession development, coal trading and shipping is seeking for highly motivated, dynamic, qualified and experienced candidate for the position of Safety Officer (SO).
Our Vision :
To be an Excellent and Responsible Energy Provider.
Our Mission :
To provide environmental friendly energy.
Safety Officer
Qualification required :
* Male, Age 28 – 35 Years Old
* Min D3/S1 graduate in HSE/Engineering.
* 3 years experience in the same position (Safety Officer) on Coal mining industries.
* Has the ability to draft health, safety and Environment (HSE) strategies, plans, programs, policies, systems & procedures as well as lead, manage, and support their implementation.
* Certified POP (Pengawas Operasional Pertama).
* Good understanding procedure and practices.
* Good Analytical and reporting skill.
* Good computer knowledge (MS Office, Excel and Word).
* Willing to be placed at Loreh-Malinau (East Kalimantan).
Please submit your applications letter, resume, recent photograph & other supporting document to the e-mail below (Please state the position code)
Email : hrd.baramulti@yahoo.com

Lowongan tambang PT Baramulti

We are the fast growing coal mining, coal concession development, coal trading and shipping is seeking for highly motivated, dynamic, qualified and experienced candidate for the position of Safety Officer (SO).
Our Vision :
To be an Excellent and Responsible Energy Provider.
Our Mission :
To provide environmental friendly energy.
Safety Officer
Qualification required :
* Male, Age 28 – 35 Years Old
* Min D3/S1 graduate in HSE/Engineering.
* 3 years experience in the same position (Safety Officer) on Coal mining industries.
* Has the ability to draft health, safety and Environment (HSE) strategies, plans, programs, policies, systems & procedures as well as lead, manage, and support their implementation.
* Certified POP (Pengawas Operasional Pertama).
* Good understanding procedure and practices.
* Good Analytical and reporting skill.
* Good computer knowledge (MS Office, Excel and Word).
* Willing to be placed at Loreh-Malinau (East Kalimantan).
Please submit your applications letter, resume, recent photograph & other supporting document to the e-mail below (Please state the position code)
Email : hrd.baramulti@yahoo.com

lowongan Indomobil Group


We are an Automotive Finance Company, a subsidiary of Indomobil Group. We have created all core application and made virtual private network to all branches. As one of the biggest finance company in Indonesia, we offer some good career opportunities in several field.

TAX STAFF (Code: TAX) Post Date: 06 Feb 09


* Male, with max 26 years old
* S1 in Accounting / Finance from reputable university
* min GPA is 3.00 (on scale 4.00)
* Fresh graduated or having experience in finance/accounting
* Able to work in a team, willing to work under pressure, honest, and diligent
* In depth knowledge in Tax Regulation (PPh 21) is a MUST

Send your complete CV to the address below :

JL. M.T Haryono Kav.8
Jakarta 13330
E-mail : hr_recruitment@indomobilfinance.com

Lowongan Kerja Grand Sahid Jaya

Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

Lowongan Kerja Hotel Jakarta Terbaru 2010
Grand Sahid Jaya Jakarta is currently seeking qualified candidate to fill the positions :

Requirements :
1. Degree/Diploma in Hotel Management with 3/4 years experience in a leading 4-5 star hotel
2. Strong leadership, innovative, good communication and quick decision making ability
3. Right personality towards the role and responsibility
4. Able to work with flexible working hours
5. For IT Manager has working knowledge with Fidelio Opera
For those who are interested in this position are welcome to submit
your CV and be addressed to :
Resources Manager
Grand Sahid Jaya
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 86 Jakarta 10220

Lowongan PT. Gramedia Asri Media

PT. Gramedia Asri Media is a leading company in books and stationery in Indonesia. Due to our rapid expantion, we are looking for professional, dynamic and talented people to join us in the following positions
General Manager - Marketing (Code: GM-Market)
Max. 45 years old
Master Degree on Marketing/MBA with marketing concentration
Min. 5 years of experience on the relevant field
General Manager - Merchandiser (Code: GM-Merch)
Max. 45 years old
Master Degree on Operations Management/MBA with Operations Management concentration
Min. 5 years of experience on the relevant field
Visual Merchandise Manager (Code: VMM)
Max. 35 years old
Master Degree on Art and Design
Min. 3 years of experience on the relevant field
Regional Manager (Code: RM)
Max. 45 years old
Master Degree from any major
Min. 7 years of experience on the relevant field
Good Interpersonal skill and networking
Merchandiser (Code: MERCH)
Max. 28 years old
Min. Bachelor Degree from all major; concentration on Marketing/Business Administration preferably
Min. 2 years of experience on the relevant field
Excellent command of both written and spoken Mandarin is preferred
Sales Superintendent (Code: SS)
Max. 27 years old
Bachelor Degree from any major; with GPA min. 2,75
Good Interpersonal and leadership skill
Willing work in shift
Willing placed in Jabodetabek
Fresh graduate are welcome
Entry Data Process-Support (Code: EDP-S)
Max. 25 years old
Diploma Degree from Information Technology/Computer, with GPA min. 2,75
Experience in MS Office
Willing placed in Jabodetabek
Fresh graduate are welcome
General Requirements
Fluent in English both oral and written
Good leadership with strong analytical and negotiation skill
Highly effective communication and presentation skill
We are expecting your application letter and CV (incl. contac number, E-mail address and recent photograph) at:
Recruitment Section PT. Gramedia Asri Media
Gd. Perintis Lt. 3 Jl. Kebahagiaan No. 4- 14 Jakarta Barat 11140
email: recruitment@gramediabooks.com
Closing date for application: February 6, 2010

Lowongan BRITON International English School

BRITON International English School is an authorized centre of Cambridge University ESOL Exam. We aregrowing as the best English school in Indonesia with approximately 1500 – 2000 students every month running in 14 centers all over Indonesia. Career opportunity is widely open in our school and we are inviting youngand highly energetic professionals for the position of:


Requirements :

- Education D3/S1 from any background
- Age between 20 – 35 years old
- Excellent English proficiency; TOEFL min 500
- Good performance & Excellent interpersonal, communication skills
- Willing to undertake the Initial Teacher Training in Briton
- Willing to be posted in Makassar, Kendari, Manado, Balikpapan, Samarinda, Pontianak, Medan or Aceh.

Successful candidates will enjoy competitive salary, Cambridge Teaching Certificate, health insurance, accomodation and flight transportation and monthly bonus.

Send your application, CV and photo to:

Lowongan PT Perkebunan Nusantara IX (Persero)

Senin, 25 Januari 2010

PT Perkebunan Nusantara IX (Persero) a state-owned enterprises (SOEs) / BUMN in the working area of Central Java Province region inviting potential workers who are persistent, tenacious, willing to work hard, dare to face challenges, highly motivated and have the integrity to occupy various positions, with the educational background as follows :

1. S1 Agricultural Studies Program:

a. Agronomy (Code: TAN-A)
b. Agricultural Mechanization (Code: TAN-M)
c. Soil Science (Code: TAN-T)

2. S1 or D3 Engineering

a. Mechanical Engineering Production (Code: TEK-M)
b. Strong currents of Electrical Engineering / Power System and Weak Flow (Code: TEK-E)

3. S1 Chemical Engineering (Code: PLH-K)

4. S1 Economy

a. Accounting (Code: ME-A)
b. Management (Code: ME-M)

5. S1 Psychology (Code: HR-P)

Requirements :
• Indonesian citizen, born after January 31, 1983.
• Not married
• Minimum GPA 2.75 (PTN) and 3.00 (PTS).
• Willing to be placed in all company work areas.
• prioritized work experience relevant to the proposed area.
• Because of the nature of work performed, it takes a man to code: TAN-A, TAN-M, TAN-T, TEK-F, TEK-E, and PLH-K.
• Never convicted of committing a crime (shown dg Certificate from the Police).
• Never be dismissed with no respect of institutions or government agency or private law.

Send your application along with copies of S1 or D3 certificates and transcripts (certified), the latest photo scale 4x6, 3 pieces (write the name on the back of each photo), complete Curriculum Vitae no. phone / cell phone easily contacted, their identification card, valid Police Certificate Notes, letters of Health & Certificate of No Color Blind Doctor, addressed to:

Jl. Jend. Urip Sumoharjo No. 100, Yogyakarta – 55222

Note :

- Name the position code / formation of interest in the application and to the left of the envelope proposal. Test locations in Yogyakarta.

- Applications received by the Committee no later than February 12, 2010. Only qualified applicants who will be called to follow the selection.

- Applications become the property of the Committee.

- Company Profile, requirements, and test phases can be viewed on the website LPP (http://www.lpp.ac.id).

- Announcement of participants who are called to follow the Phase I tests can be viewed through the LPP website on February 25, 2010.

- The committee decision is absolute.

- Committee does not serve & telephone correspondence relating to the test results.

lowongan PT Perkebunan Nusantara IX (Persero)

PT Perkebunan Nusantara IX (Persero) a state-owned enterprises (SOEs) / BUMN in the working area of Central Java Province region inviting potential workers who are persistent, tenacious, willing to work hard, dare to face challenges, highly motivated and have the integrity to occupy various positions, with the educational background as follows :

1. S1 Agricultural Studies Program:

a. Agronomy (Code: TAN-A)
b. Agricultural Mechanization (Code: TAN-M)
c. Soil Science (Code: TAN-T)

2. S1 or D3 Engineering

a. Mechanical Engineering Production (Code: TEK-M)
b. Strong currents of Electrical Engineering / Power System and Weak Flow (Code: TEK-E)

3. S1 Chemical Engineering (Code: PLH-K)

4. S1 Economy

a. Accounting (Code: ME-A)
b. Management (Code: ME-M)

5. S1 Psychology (Code: HR-P)

Requirements :
• Indonesian citizen, born after January 31, 1983.
• Not married
• Minimum GPA 2.75 (PTN) and 3.00 (PTS).
• Willing to be placed in all company work areas.
• prioritized work experience relevant to the proposed area.
• Because of the nature of work performed, it takes a man to code: TAN-A, TAN-M, TAN-T, TEK-F, TEK-E, and PLH-K.
• Never convicted of committing a crime (shown dg Certificate from the Police).
• Never be dismissed with no respect of institutions or government agency or private law.

Send your application along with copies of S1 or D3 certificates and transcripts (certified), the latest photo scale 4x6, 3 pieces (write the name on the back of each photo), complete Curriculum Vitae no. phone / cell phone easily contacted, their identification card, valid Police Certificate Notes, letters of Health & Certificate of No Color Blind Doctor, addressed to:

Jl. Jend. Urip Sumoharjo No. 100, Yogyakarta – 55222

Note :

- Name the position code / formation of interest in the application and to the left of the envelope proposal. Test locations in Yogyakarta.

- Applications received by the Committee no later than February 12, 2010. Only qualified applicants who will be called to follow the selection.

- Applications become the property of the Committee.

- Company Profile, requirements, and test phases can be viewed on the website LPP (http://www.lpp.ac.id).

- Announcement of participants who are called to follow the Phase I tests can be viewed through the LPP website on February 25, 2010.

- The committee decision is absolute.

- Committee does not serve & telephone correspondence relating to the test results.

lowongan Melinda Hospital

Melinda Hospital Bandung open recruitment for position :


* Female, age 21 to 35 years
* Graduates minimal D3 / S1
* Could Computers & Bhs UK



* Female, age 23 to 35 years
* Graduates min S1
* Computer and can be active English Idioms
* Attractive
* Honest
* Highly motivated to get ahead

3. NURSE NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit)


* Female, age 23 to 35 years
* Minimal D3 Nursing Graduates
* Experienced in the NICU / ICU Hospital, min 2 years
* Are highly motivated to grow and progress



* Female, age 23 to 35 years
* Graduates min S1
* Computer and can be active English Idioms
* Attractive
* Honest
* Highly motivated to get ahead
* Sociable
* Willing to do field work



* Male / female, maximum age 27 years
* General S1, preferably of Communication, majoring Jurnalisatik
* Able to work together in teams
* Attractive, energetic, dynamic, creative and love a challenge
* Able to write and master interviewing techniques (see photography a plus)
* Particularly knowledgeable in the entertainment world and the health
* Experienced at least 1 year
* Ability to work in accordance with the deadlines
* Mastering Microsoft Offfice and the Internet
* Mastering English (minimum passive)
* General S1, preferably of Communication, majoring in Journalism, with a minimum GPA of 3.00
* Able to write and master interviewing techniques (see photography a plus)
* Particularly knowledgeable in the entertainment world and the health
* At least 1 year experience in the print media world
* Able to work together in teams, attractive, energetic, dynamic, creative and love a challenge
* Mastering Microsoft Offfice and the Internet
* Mastering English (minimum passive)



* Male / female, maximum age 30 years
* General S1, preferably of Communication, majoring Jurnalisatik
* Mastering English (minimum passive)
* Indonesian skilled oral and written
* Particularly knowledgeable in the entertainment world and the health
* Minimum 2 years experience
* Ability to work in accordance with the deadlines
* Mastering Microsoft Office and Internet

7. Web Designer (WD)


* Male / Female max. 28 years
* Pendidikan min S1 Graphic Design
* Having min 1 year experience in the field of web design
* Controlling applications Web Design: Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Illustrator, Flash
* Active, creative, innovative and imaginative
* Able to work under pressure and according to the target
* Good personality, honest, thorough, and responsible

8. Junior Programmer (JP)


* Male / Female max. 28 years
* Pendidikan min. D3 majoring in Informatics
* Having min 1 year experience in web development
* Mastering PHP / MySQL, AJAX / DHTML (jQuery / Mootools)
* Ability to work in teams and individuals
* Able to work under pressure and according to the target
* Good personality, honest, thorough, and responsible

9. Senior Programmer (SP)


* Male / Female max. 28 years
* S1 majoring in Informatics Education
* Having min 1 year experience in web development
* Mastering PHP / MySQL, Framework (CodeIgniter), Data Modeling (Workbench0 MySQL, AJAX / DHTML (jQuery / Mootools), CSS (YAML), IDE (Netbeans / Dreamweaver)
* Able to write technical documentation
* Ability to work in teams and individuals
* Able to work under pressure and according to the target
* Good personality, honest, thorough, and responsible

10. Online Marketing Communication (MC)


* Male / Female max. 28 years
* Graduates S1 / D3 in all directions, with a minimum GPA of 3.00
* Understanding Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
* English active and passive
* Controlling internet marketing campaign
* Having experience in the marketing world at least 1 year
* Ability to communicate orally or in writing by either
* Can work under pressure and meet targets
* Love a challenge, discipline, honest, creative, initiative, and responsible

11. Data Entry and Translator (DE)


* Male / Female max. 28 years
* Pendidikan minimal D3 all departments
* Able to communicate oral and written well)
* Mastering Microsoft Offfice and the Internet
* Mastering English (minimum passive)
* Can work together in teams and individuals
* Can work under pressure and meet targets
* Thorough, disciplined, honest, creative, initiative, and responsible

Send application and CV, write the position code on upper left corner, and its portfolio (especially for WD, JP, SP and J) to:

Jl. Pajajaran No. 46 Bandung 40171


e-mail :


Lowongan Kerja PT. Waletkencana Perkasa

We are a leading FMCG Multi National Company operating in nearly 120 countries with more than 12.000 employees. We work smart to earn our reputation and trust from our consumers. To earn this, we believe our fundamental strength lies in our employees To strengthen our organization, we are looking for high caliber people to fill the following vacancies :

Production Supervisor
Surabaya Based Code : SPV-PROD.

The Job:
He will be responsible to supervise, coordinate and control production activities, material flow. and inventory to achieve cost, quantity and quality targets and production schedules and also responsible for the management and supervision of the assigned production line(s)

Qualifications and Experience:
- University degree in Mechanical, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Industrial Engineering
- Maximum 25 year old with Job Experience 1 – 2 years in consumer goods manufacturing
- Experience in TPM or Six Sigma ,ISO 9001, SHE, 5S, 7 tools are advantages
- Strong leadership and delegation skills
- Good team work orientation and able to participate in cross-functional team activities,
- English proficiency and computer skills

Procurement Staff,
Surabaya Based Code: STF.

The Job:
He/She will be responsible to supervise, coordinate and control all of non material production purchase activities such as check and control purchase, bidding and negotiation create and check approved of purchase order and also to make sure delivery on time as scheduled.
Qualifications and Experience:
- University degree in any field however high potential fresh graduate are welcome to apply
- At least 1 year experience
- English proficiency and computer skills
- Having good negotiation skills, result oriented, able to work in cross functional team and integrity.

Please email your CV to :

or send to
PT. Waletkencana Perkasa
Jl. Rungkut Industri I / 24-26 Surabaya 60293

not later than 2 weeks from this advertisement
Please put the position code that you are applying for on the subject line.
All application:will be kept strictly confidential and only shod listed candidates will be contacted.

Lowongan Bank Chinatrust Indonesia

Bank Chinatrust Indonesia is a subsidiary of Chinatrust Commercial Bank in Taiwan. We have been operating in Indonesia since the year of 1997. The result of it shows in our achievement awarded by Infobank Magazines as “Sangat Bagus” continuously since year 1998 - 2009.

In Taiwan our parent bank, Chinatrust Commercial Bank (CTCB) gained the recognition as the,
- Best Bank in Taiwan — Finance Asia, 2009
- Best Private Bank in Taiwan — Global Finance, 2009
- Best Emerging Market Bank in Taiwan — Global Finance, 2009
- Best Investment Bank in Taiwan — Global Finance, 2009

As we aggressively expanding our business and we urgently invite potential candidates to apply for various vacant positions include :

1. Senior Position

- Head, Consumer Lending (LH)
- Head, Small Business (SBH)
- Team Leader, Corporate Banking (TL)
- Branch Manager (BM)
- Head, Treasury Trading (TTH)
- Head, Credit, Credit Card (HCC)
- Head, Accounting (AH)
- Head, Business Planning (BPH)

Requirements for Senior Level
- Bachelor Degree/Master Degree in Business Administration, Finance, Accounting, Marketing or other relevant discipline.
- Minimum 5-year experience in related fields
- Target oriented and have good market analysis
- Stong Leadership ability
- Good Interpersonal and Communication skill
- Fluent in English speaking and written

2. Middle Level

- Underwriter (SU)
- Team Leader Collection (TLC)
- Credit Administration (CA)
- Financial Advisor (FA)
- Account Officer (AO)
- Relationship Manager (RM)
o Small Business and Corporate Banking
o Syndication
- Treasury Sales (TS)
- Branch Service Head (SH)
- Credit Acceptance Officer (CFC)

Requirement for Middle Managerial
- Bachelor Degree Finance, Accounting, Marketing or other relevant discipline.
- Minimum 3-year experience in related fields are preferable
- Process experience in Funding (FA) or Lendinf (AO/RM)
- Target oriented and have good market analysis
- Good Interpersonal and Communication skill
- Additional requirements for Syndication Team :
o Fluent in English speaking and written
o Ability to present case to higher management
o Familiarity with oil and gas, telecommunication, energy, plantation
o Has wide banking network

3. Staff

- Customer Service (CS)
- Teller (TT)
- Collection, Consumer Lending (CC)
- Sales of Various Funding Products (SF)
- Sales of Various Lending Products (SL)
- General Affair Staff (GA)

Requirement for Staff
- Bachelor Degree Finance, Accounting, Marketing or other relevant discipline; Architect or Civil Engineering background (GA)
- Preferably possess a minimum 1-year experience in related fields
- Good Interpersonal and Communication skill

Eligible candidates will be offered a challenging career in multinational working environment as well as attractive remunerations and benefits package. If you feel you are the right person to take up the challenges, we invite you to send your application and CV by the 6th February 2010 to :



PO BOX 1949, Jakarta 10019.

Please state the positions code on the top left hand side of the envelope.
All applicants will be handled in strict confidence and anly short-listed candidates will be notified. No telephone call will be entertained.

Lowongan PT Kontinum Era Artha

PT Kontinum Era Artha are the leader in providing solution for distribution industry. Our flagship product BOS.net Distribution is the most comprehensive distribution solution in Indonesia, either for distribution companies and principals as well.

Leader Software Programmer

Job description
- Lead software developer team to produce application on schedule with qualified performance
- Provide technical advise to developer team
- Working with QA team to produce qualified application
- Design and prototyping application when pro viding solution to clients
- Keep update on new technology and give new idea to do better coding

General Requirements
- C# & .Net, SQL and IIS is a must
- Just love the code
- S1 degree from related background and reputable university
- Experience in Microsoft, using C#, Visual Studio, .Net
- Understand GOF Design Patterns
- Understand Model-View-Controller Architecture
- Understand Refactoring
- Good attitude, commitment to work and good team player
- Highly Motivated with spirit to learn new things
- Adaptive to new environment
- At least 7 years of working experience in software development
- Good problem solving, analytical, and leadership skill
- Deep understanding on database design, application design and architecture

PT Kontinum Era Artha
Kontinum Village
Jl. Tebet Barat VIII no. 16, Jakarta Selatan
Phone : 8305477, facsimile : 8319477